Thursday, July 12, 2007

reconsidering medicine (for only a moment)

Since my last post I have pushed back my MCAT date to July 24th and am still not ready. Perhaps it's like pregnancy... sometimes you plan on going through it once and only once but end up going through it again. Don't extend that that analogy too far b/c like all analogies, it'll fall apart.

Since I am not ready and have chickenshitted out of the test multiple times now, I've decided to still sit for it. But those scores will never see the light of day. For those of you who don't know me that well, I am clinically & neurotically hung up about this rate limiting step of that path to medschool. I will get there. One day.

This week, I was belittled by one of the most respected rheumatologists in the washington dc area. In the last 48 hours I have had some time to process the encounter. It's 48 hours more than I should be spending brooding. The whole thing reminded me of what I used to tell myself when I worked in bioresearch: the assholes that I've encountered are there to prepare me for the assholes I will encounter in medicine..... it was a sudden reminder because I haven't really had to deal w/ many assholes (of consequence) for a long time since bailing from jobs I hate.

On the page that I hyperlinked asshole to, it said that readers who bought The No Asshole Rule also bought How Doctors Think.

Why did s/he belittle me? Why was I even there? - that's another post.

picture by Michelle, author of
altered somewhat, by me
I bought a t-shirt from her. You can too if you click on the picture.

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